
Arab Culture(s) in the Classroom (redirected from Arabic Culture in the Classroom)

Page history last edited by Laila Familiar 9 years, 3 months ago






أهلا وسهلا بكم في هذا الموقع


This workspace is a display of audiovisual resources to be used in the context of Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language.


The purpose is to have handy a wide variety of audiovisual texts that can serve as a platform to expose learners of Arabic to cultural input on a daily basis, either as a warm-up in the classroom or as a text that is showed, taught or discussed on its own. Therefore, different genres and points of view are offered in this website in the hope that they represent Arabic cultural trends as faithfully as possible.


Because current students are the generation of the Internet and Youtube, audiovisuals offer the fastest and easiest way to expose learners to cultural material of all kinds. In this workspace instructors will find short videos on a variety of topics: music, politics, arts, cinema, gender issues, human rights, religion, customs and traditions, social topics, humor, and much more. The materials you will find here are all Open Source and available on the Internet for free. These materials have been organized around themes or topics (see NAVIGATOR bar on the right side of the screen), although not in a perfect manner.

The audiovisuals you find here are for the most part in English and/or in Arabic, either subtitled or not, with the purpose of making these materials suitable for different levels of language proficiency.


One important aspect of this workspace is that it embraces different and opposite cultural points of view in a manner that can awaken our students curiosity and develop their critical thinking skills in relation to the target Culture, specially at times when tackling sensitive issues in the classroom can be challenging or problematic.



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Comments and suggestions are also very welcomed at: laila.h.familiar@gmail.com


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